European research co-operation is encouraged by Swiss researchers at KIKOM, Institute of Complementary Medicine, University of Bern. At the ISCMR congress in May, they presented CAMbrella, an idea for a proposition for an EU-wide CAM evaluation project: Assessment of complementary and alternative medicine and ethical framework.

The focus will be on ethical, epidemiological and economic data concerning (CAM) therapies most applied in Europe. The research should include:
– philosophy, structure, process, outcome and costs in GP
– cross sectional and observational studies
– comparison with conventional practices

Partners can be:
– University and intersectorial (non-academic) resarchers
– CAM and non-CAM partners with a large experience in research and a corresponding list of publications
– small and medium enterprises (SME, GP or therapist practices)

If you are interested to participate in a CAMbrella task force, please send a detailed e-mail with your expertise, capability and resources to:

  • klaus.vonammon (at) or
  • florence.marian (at)

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