The Seventh Framework Programme, FP7, is including CAM issues – but CAM is not included in the first two calls in 2007.

Monday, December 18th in Brussels, the President of the European Parliament, Josep Borrell and the Finnish Prime Minister, Matti Vanhanen signed the Framework Programme, and the Specific Programmes were adopted by the Council on December 19th.

The programme was entering into force on 1 January 2007. Theme no 1 in the work programme is health – including “scientifically tested complementary and alternative medicines”. But in the 1st and 2nd call of 2007 CAM topics are not included nor suitable.

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A group of European CAM-researchers joining the Euricam initiative are planning to launch research projects within FP7. This was decided at the Euricam meeting in Vienna, Nov. 20th 2006.

Due to the conditions in the first two calls in FP7, the researchers propose to submit a postgraduate education program, as a Marie Curie action

More information may be available at Euricam after the next meeting in Vienna, Jan 19th, or from Akademie für Ganzheitsmedizin, ">

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