Homeopathy – Primary care – Reflexology – Evaluation.

A one-year randomised parallel group comparison of usual therapy and the effect of adding reflexology or homeopathy in moderate chronic asthma. The project is a one year study – starting in the beginning of 2006.

The patients will be divided into three groups. One group will receive conventional treatment for their asthma. The second group will in addition receive homeopathic treatment, while the third group in addition will receive reflexology. All patients will be examined regularly for the effects of the treatment.

Except for the two multidisciplinary research groups, in 2002 Helze has been given the largest of the ordinary grants from Vifab so far – 2.4 million DKK.

Professor, MD, Ronald Dahl, Aarhus University Hospital, Dept of Respiratory Diseases & Allergy, ">
Reflexologist: Leila Eriksen, ">. Phone: (+45) 43 64 81 39
Homeopath: Anne Langgaard , ">
The project team: ">

© Jesper Madsen, 2006

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Jesper Odde Madsen

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